It was the first day of the semester, Maka had woken up late for her Asian-American History class and was rushing down the street. Across the crosswalk she flew. SCREEEEEEECH!
"Stupid fucking idiot!" the driver yelled, taking off his sunglasses. His name was Ferguson.
"Sorry," Maka exhaled, "I'm late and-"
"Watch where your going! I almost hit you!"
"Fine, but I could tell you were looking at your phone while driving. You're a reckless driver."
Ferguson's eyes grew large. "Call me whatever you want, you have a shit ton of assumptions about me but you don't know me anybetter then a stranger on the street does!"
They stayed arguing for a few moments more before they went on their own way.
Maka had registered for Professor Hur's class because she had read his passionate articles about the Asian-American struggle. Now, being in the same room as him, she felt it hard to even breathe.
Professor Hur warned the students, "I expect you to do your readings. Or don't even come." He ran his fingers through his two-block haircut and the girls in the room swooned. "Before we continue, introduce yourself to the person sitting behind you. Community is important."
Maka turned around and was shocked to see a familar face with sunglasses on. It was Ferguson.