Chapter 3: Birth of AIDS

Chapter 3: Birth of AIDS

Maka and Ferguson had distributed flyers across campus, hoping to get new Asian students to join their Pro-Asian Club called AIDS, and today was the big day. The first ever AIDS Meetup.

The result was better than they expected. Dozens of students showed up, all wanting to become more Pro-Asian. Even Professor Hur had arrived to support them.

"I just want to say," Professor Hur said as he raised a toast, "I am glad to see Asians coming together. But this is just the beginning. Remember that to contextualize racist events that happen, you must first be aware of history. That's why at the corner of this room you will find copies of my 300-page book which details the history of White Imperialism." The crowd of students clapped sporadically. "One last warning: Read the book or be beaten to a pulp with it. Your choice. Don't be a slave. Thank you."


"I can't believe so many people showed up," Maka said.

"Yeah," said Ferguson, "There's so many people, I've barely talked to anyone yet. Have you talked to a lot off people?"

"Yeah," Maka said. From a distance, the two looked at all the students who were there. Maka explained who everyone was, "That short guy over there dressed as a Ninja is Wind. The girl he's talking to is Moo and she told me she really likes children. The guy wearing the suit getting bullied is Easybeat, and the people bullying him are part of a band called The Ankistar Faction. Lastly, that guy over there who looks like a gnome is Ahseyo. He told me he's on welfare."

"Wow," Ferguson said, "It looks like a great group of people!"

Just then Maka's tone changed. Ferguson noticed she stood frozen now, as if a thunderbolt had struck her. But it was not a thunderbolt, it was a Thunderwang.

"What's the matter?" Ferguson asked.

"I-It's him..." Maka uttered. Ferguson looked at what Maka was staring at and saw Chang Thunderwang, the starting Quarterback for the university football team. He stood 6'4, with rippling muscles, his shirt barely able to contain them. Before Ferguson could ask how they knew each other, Maka was with Chang Thunderwang. Ferguson watched as Maka's smile beamed on her face. Ferguson felt a jealousy he could not contain. She never smiled like that for Ferguson.

Ferguson continued to watch Maka and Thunderwang, until he couldn't take it any longer and approached. "Maka", Ferguson said, "Could you get us some drinks?"


"So that's how it is," Chang Thunderwang said, "I only came here to meet other Asian students, not for Maka."

Ferguson was relieved. Apparently, Chang Thunderwang and Maka barely knew each other.

"Do you like Maka?" Chang Thunderwang asked.

"Of course not! Why would you think that! I've never heard a more ridicoulus thing..."

"Hey, it's okay if you do. You two definitely looksmatch." Just then, Maka returned with drinks and handed them to the men. "I'm sorry Maka. I was just stopping by. I have to go cold approach in K-Town with my friends, a Giant Ape, a Bike-Riding Gnome, and a Chang Incel."

"O-Oh okay," said a disappointed Maka.


After Thunderwang left, Maka and Ferguson were left together in a state of awkwardness. To escape the feeling, Ferguson began to drink heavily, and soon was completely drunk, sprawled out on the floor.

"Are you okay Ferguson?" No one was left now except Maka and Ferguson. "Can you help me clean?"

"No!" Ferguson yelled, "Get away from me thotarot!"

Maka was confused and angered, "Why are you calling me thotarot?! I don't understand, we're friends! This night wouldn't have even happened if we weren't a team!"

Ferguson clumsily rose from the ground and approached Maka, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Team?! See if I care abuot being a team with you! The only team you care about is a team that has Chang Thunderwang!"

Maka was taken back. "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Of course not! You're just some stupid bitch! Not like I'd care who you'd like..." Ferguson's cheek turned bright red as Maka slapped him. She was so angry that she stormed out.

As Ferguson rubbed his cheek to feel where Maka had slapped him, he felt pain... but that pain could not compare to the pain that was in his heart.


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