Maka and Ferguson had not spoken to each other in weeks. They had stopped sitting next to each other in Professor Hur's class. When they walked by each other, they kept their gazes to the ground. However, that silence would soon end, as they had to host the Second AIDS Meetup today.
With a knock, Ferguson opened the door to find Maka. "Hi," he said coldly.
"Hi," she responded. They set up the event room in silence, far away from each other whenever possible. When the meetup started, they maintained their distance.
The event had been going strong for an hour when the whispers started. Pedophile... There's a pedophile in AIDS... Possibly two pedophiles... Who were the pedophiles?
Soon everyone was talking about it, and the Ninja Wind took charge to reassure everyone that the whispers were just rumors. Meanwhile, the child-whisperer Moo left the event discreetly as the crowd of students began to congregate to discuss the matter formally.
Suddenly, one of the students appeared in front of the crowd with a megaphone. It was the bullied Easybeat, "Students, I have some news for you... and some very lewd photographs of a butthole."
What followed was an exposé on how the gnome Ahseyo had exposed himself to minors in the group. In response, the gnome was savagely beaten and thrown into the streets, where he was tarred and feathered thanks to the funding of Rich Oil Barron Benilla, who definitely had a lot more money than all the other peasants at the event.
After the murder of Ahseyo, Maka and Ferguson were alone again, cleaning up the mess.
"Well that was a crazy night," Maka said.
"Yeah, crazy night."
Maka watched him from the corner of her eyes, wondering if he would ever break out of his coldness. "Ferguson, are we ever going to talk about what happened?"
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Ferguson... we promised that we would be friends."
When Ferguson turned to look at Maka, his heart felt like someone was squeezing it. How could this stupid, dumb girl make him feel like this? She wanted the truth? He would give her the truth. He would give her the retribution that she deserved. "Maka, I hate you."
She knew it was a lie. "Ferguson, why are you so cold towards women all the time?"
"I'm not cold too women."
"You're cold to me."
"I'm not cold to you. I hate you Maka... I hate you... I hate you!"
Maka slowly walked towards Ferguson, the gap between them closing. "No Ferguson, you don't hate me."
"I HATE YOU MAKA!" The snot was dribbling out of Ferguson's nose.
"You don't hate me."
"What do you hate about me?"
"You hate me, Ferguson?" Tears were forming in Maka's eyes. She was hurt.
Ferguson was cracking. He could no longer keep up the facade while Maka was in pain. "I hate that we promised to be friends. I hate that we promised not to betray each other... I hate that we made that promise, when it feels like my heart has betrayed me, because I want to be so much more than just friends."
Maka understood now. "I hate you too Ferguson. I hate how you're always wearing sunglasses. I hate how you misspell words. I hate that you constantly talk about sex even though we're in charge of an Asian Activism group. I hate you..." Maka choked up, "And I hate that I love you."
They were face to face now. Ferguson had thrown away the invisible walls that he had put up. "I don't hate you Maka... I need you. I don't care if some random gril rejects me, but if you do it... it would crush me."
He slowly pressed his lips to hers and they kissed--soon they were feeling, touching, caressing. The suppressed "hatred" became catharsis. As Ferguson pulled down his skinny jeans to reveal his little Datman, Maka repeatedly muttered under her breath, "Fergus! Fergus! Fergus!".
They tried to get a hold of themselves. "N-Not here," Maka muttered in a hushed tone. "At least, n-not in public!" Ferguson ignored her warnings and felt her nether regions. Something was swollen, and Ferguson had an inkling of what it could be. Maka grabbed his little Datman in return, "That's good?"